​​Gripple is an expert designer and manufacturer of suspension solutions for mechanical and electrical services, modules, lighting, acoustics and signage.

Gripple's core building services seminar can be seen below, and this content can be adapted to meet your specific requirements.

Gripple's CIBSE-approved CPD seminars tend to take place at a premises of your choosing, where Gripple can provide a complimentary lunch to make full use of your time. The seminars tend to be around an hour in length, and CPD certificates can be made available to all attendees on request. Requirements for longer presentations on a specific subject of your choice relating to suspension systems, and evening events can also be accommodated.

Wire and Track Systems for Building Services Installation:

​​This CIBSE-approved CPD will provide the listener with an understanding of the different methods of suspending building services, as well as the embodied carbon, health & safety and time saving benefits that can be gained when switching from traditional methods.

Learn how Gripple’s product specifications are tailor-made for the built environment and can help you achieve the requirements of a construction project.

Ensuring Safety & Compliance in Construction:

​​This CPD will provide the listener with an understanding of the Builing Safety Act 2022.

Content of this CPD will highlight the different methods of suspending building services, construction fixings and outline what project design support is available within the market.

Learn how Gripple’s product specifications are tailor-made for the built environment and can help you achieve the requirements of your next M&E project.

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